I Promise You Are Enough!
Setting goals is great-- but if you are like me there is such a thing as TOO many goals. I get caught up thinking about the future and all the things I want to do and ways I want to grow. It's overwhelming. I keep reminding myself to pause.
However you are spending these last few days of 2020, I hope it is filled with pizza and the realization that you are already enough!
During these next few days I'm making a point to spend some time (masking and) thinking of all the areas that I have grown. It's good to look ahead-- and I like to do that too. But this year was...2020. There weren't a lot of happy moments. But they DID happen. So I want to honor those moments and milestones-- big and small.
I'll go first:
I'm learning to say no. If there is something I do not want to do-- that's it. I want to amplify that inner voice and continue to turn down jobs, favors etc. that I don't want to do.
I've made big steps in learning how and when I need to protect my peace. I'm no longer caught off guard. When I start to feel my blood boil or get a text or DM that doesn't sit right with me
I ask myself:
What is this person intending to do here
Do I want to go to battle?
Is this worth a response?
These questions help me see their intention and I can decide where to go from there.
I'm still thinking-- 2020 isn't over just yetttt... I'd love to hear a happy moment from your 2020 or something that you are working on.